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Welcome to Mostar, Bosnia

Welcome to my second travel post. 

If you haven’t yet.. take a moment and check out our first travel article about Mljet Croatia! Although my love is deep for Croatia.. it’s even deeper for Bosnia. Our desire is that after reading through this article you will feel that same love, and it motivates you to visit this wonderful country!

Why do we love Bosnia? My husband and I volunteer our time to teach people about the Bible. A few years ago we got in contact with a couple from Bosnia. That was our very first encounter with Bosnian culture and we absolutely fell in love. Week after week this lovely couple taught us their language, cooked us their food, & spoke everything there was to know about their country. I remember going back home every time thinking “I really want to visit Bosnia!” So the very first time we had the opportunity to do so we did just that. 

In 2016 when we were planning a trip to Croatia I made sure to be able to add Bosnia in our itinerary. Our last stop in Croatia was Dubrovnik so we decided to visit Mostar because it was the closest city in Bosnia from Dubrovnik. Also I really really wanted to see the Old Bridge and experience all the rich culture that place has. We stayed a week in Mostar and then again in 2018 we returned and stayed 2 full weeks. The Airbnb host was shocked we were staying so long because he said nobody stayed that long in Mostar. People usually went for a day to see the old town and the bridge and then continued on their way. Granted, we were also there to practice the language and volunteer our time teaching people about the Bible. Even if you decide to visit strictly for vacation purposes there is so much to do in addition to visiting the old town and the bridge. Why this beautiful town is not on the list of more people to visit is so surprising! 

So, what can you expect on a visit to Mostar, Bosnia? Let’s start with the obvious, go to, must see, first choice! 

1.) Visit the old town. 

Old pebble roads, amazing food, great shopping, delicious coffee & beautiful views. That’s what you’ll get while you walk the beautiful streets in the old town of Mostar. 

My absolutely favorite thing to do there is well ... EVERYTHING! As I’m writing this I keep thinking how much I wish I was there right now. When you walk just allow yourself to just get lost. Don’t rush. Do not have a specific place in mind you want to have coffee or lunch. Just walk! Visit every single shop. Talk to the owners. Allow Bosnians to enchant you! They are the nicest people. I loved asking about the things for sale, the history behind them, how they got a hold of all their vintage copper amazing goods. Whenever you feel like it sit anywhere and enjoy some coffee. 

Quick Tip #1: Do not order “Turkish coffee” since you’re not in Turkey… You can either say Bosnian coffee or if you want to practice some Bosnian language (which I strongly recommend) then you can say “domaća kava” which translate to “domestic coffee” or “homemade coffee” 

Quick Tip #2: The pebbles on the streets are extremely slippery so keep that in mind when choosing walking shoes. 

Food in the old town is delicious no matter where you go honestly. So you can pick and choose from any of the spots. If you’re only visiting for a day I’d say a must try is čevapi. If you decide to spend a few days (please do) then some of the fish plates they have are amazing. Every day, they go fishing in the river so the fish will taste fresh and so delicious you will not regret it. Another favorite is the Bosnian dish “sarma” or cabbage rolls. The soups are to die for, I mean really anything you decide to pick from the menu you’ll love. Just make sure to try traditional dishes, you can ask the waiter and they will be more than happy to help you choose. Take some risks, try something new, and guaranteed, no regrets!

2.) Walk the old bridge 

The pearl of the old town. The highlight of your trip. The place that will steal your heart and leave you longing forever. The one thing that will be the main character of every single one of your pictures. No matter when you go sunrise, sunset, or at night.. WHAT A SIGHT! My favorite architecture to look at while I sip coffee, wine or simply just sitting and taking it in. It is a master piece and the history behind it makes it even more attracting. 

Dating back from the 16th century during the Ottoman empire, the bridge stood there for over 400 years until it was destroyed during the war in 1993, then rebuilt in 2004. It stretches 28 meters across the Neretva & it is 20 meters high. 

One of the most popular practices is to dive off the bridge into the river. Something very dangerous that you can’t attempt on your own since the river has very strong under currents. But if that’s something you would absolutely love to do then there is a way. There is a little divers club alongside the bridge. There you can sign up and pay a fee and the experts will teach you everything there is to know about diving off the bridge into the river. They have a smaller place where you can practice the technique before trying on the big bridge. When they feel like you’re ready then you can attempt the jump and end up with a certificate. Kinda cool huh? Obviously this activity is for the brave and bold… Which clearly I am not nor plan to be in the future. But if this is something you would love to do then try it out! 

Stari Most

3.) Do a day trip outside Mostar 

Back to 2016.., when we were planing our first trip to Mostar I found this beautiful picture on Pinterest of an old monastery inside a huge Rocky Mountain. I remember thinking to myself  “where is this place” I couldn’t really find too much info aside the fact that it was somewhere in Bosnia. When we arrived at Mostar, our friends who live there told us it was just a 30 minute drive from Mostar. I was so excited!!! They also told us about an old village called Počitej that dates back to the Ottoman empire & that Kravice waterfalls were also on our way. In shock, I wondered why all this information was not found online. Now 2019 almost three years since our first visit, I am not sure if it is online or not. Just in case I want to let you in on the “secret” of how to visit these three beautiful places. All of which are doable in just one day.

Blagaj Tekke

First stop leaving Mostar. Just about 18 minutes south of Mostar. You will have to take several different roads. First the E73, then M-6.1, and finally Blagaj. You’ll stay on Blagaj until the road ends, once there you can start your hike to the monastery. A very easy maybe 15 minute hike by the river and absolutely gorgeous all around. Both times we’ve done this drive we’ve been in a car with friends but if you don’t have the opportunity to rent a car there are buses that have day excursions, and from there it continues to Pičitelj and Kravice Waterfalls. 

Blagaj is one of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s most ancient locations. Built around the 1500s you can clearly see the Ottoman’s architectural influence. It is an absolutely beautiful sight to looks at especially when the building mirrors the clear green waters. For a small fee you can even take a boat ride into the cave. If you decide to go inside the monastery please be respectful and follow the guidelines posted outside.

Blagaj Tekke

Počitej Next stop! About 30 minutes south of Blagaj. This village is a medieval town established by King Stjepan Tvrtko in the 1300s. I am a medieval time lover so hiking all the way to the citadel was a marvelous experience and the panoramic view you get from up there will leave you absolutely speechless. Keep in mind that depending on which season you visit you might not find anything open. So plan accordingly and bring some snacks and water to the hike.  Kravice Waterfalls  Kravice waterfalls is my only regret of the two times we’ve visited. The first time we went it was too cold to get in the water and the second time, was an unexpected trip so I didn’t packed my bathing suit. Needless to say I have gone now twice and have yet to get in the water. But it’s ok! I feel you always need to leave something behind to motivate you, so it’s now on my bucket list of Mostar. Return and spend an entire day soaking in the beautiful waterfalls of Kravice. Even though we couldn’t get in the water last time we still spent enough time to be able to gather some information. For example... the waterfalls are on the other side of the river so you need to swim across in order to see them. It didn’t seem like a difficult swim and after the long walk you’ll want to swim across. Completely worth a visit. This place will be a highlight to your visit to Mostar. 

Kravice Waterfalls

Whether you decide to just stay in Mostar and spend a day: shopping, eating traditional food, drinking kava, chatting with the locals, or even sitting by the bridge waiting in expectation for a diver to jump off, Mostar will leave you in love. You’ll be coming back home, going back to work with the sole purpose to save money and just to go back. It will steal a piece in your heart that no other place will ever be able to claim. It will forever be the best few days of your life.

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