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How to Travel more even when you are short on time

Updated: Sep 3, 2019

Social media right now is filled with full-time travelers. People who actually make money traveling and that is their job! Although I think that’s absolutely amazing and a dream, reality is many of us may not be able to do that because well we have “responsibilities” back home. So... if you’re someone like us... if you’re looking at some of those remarkable accounts thinking “I can’t do that” or “I can’t quit my job” well the thing is you don’t have to in order to travel more.

So, I wanted to share some things we do in order to be able to travel more:

1.) Start with places close to home. Get to know your own state and surrounding states. Something that has helped us, is making a list of places we want to see that are nearby. Places you only need maybe one night tops two nights at the most. For example if you live in Phoenix, Joshua tree National Park is literally two hours away at the most yet it’s located in California; in just two hours you can go to a different state and visit a new National Park! 

2.) Take advantage of long holiday weekends. Last year during Memorial Day weekend we did a road trip and covered: Zion National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, Mystic Hot Springs & Monument Valley (Future blog article on that road trip coming). Monday night we were home, that extra day really can go a long way!

3.) Always try a new locations. There’s places I immediately fall in love, such as the hot springs in Utah in the picture below, but I force myself to not return to the same spot unless I have a valid reason that way we can use the time and money on a new discovery.

4.) Use your imagination. Say you’re already going somewhere, take a look for what else might be nearby. A few years back we needed to go to St. Louis and instead of flying directly there we flew to Chicago, and then drove down to St. Louis. For the same price we experienced two states and two cities. You can do the same with layovers. Last year we were able to spend a few hours in Iceland and managed a short road trip thanks to our long layover.

5.) Stay within your budget. We all have different necessities and budgets. In our case we try to make our trips the most affordable possible. Most of the trips close to home are camping trips. Fetching a tent is an affordable and very fun way to spend the night. You can also sleep in your car if needed. Just put the back seats down, put some blankets and sleep away (We have a Crossback). Honestly we’ve had the best sites and views sleeping that way [something a hotel can’t buy]. Of course, we are all different and this option might not be everyone’s cup of tea, or perhaps you’re willing to try it? It’s a new experience!

Finally, never lose your sense of wonder. Strive to enjoy every moment even if is just around the corner. Always remember there’s someone on the other side of the world dreaming of visiting your own home. Be a tourist in your own city!

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