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How to plan and prepare for an international trip?

For me this is the most important and most fun part of a trip! I am a huge planner and I absolutely love doing extensive research ahead of time about the places I visit. In this article I want to share with you my process to plan and prepare when it comes to an international trip. Although every person is different I hope some of these suggestions make your future trip a little easier.

1.) Read Blogs 

I have been reading blogs for as long as I can remember. In fact one of the reasons I decided to have one of my own was because I believe it was thanks to others’ blogs I’ve discovered so many places. I feel the need to reciprocate that and share with others what I’ve found.

Thing is.... Bloggers are people like you and me. With fears, budget goals, and real-life situations and they share their practical tips that can definitely help you out.

When I’m thinking of traveling my very first step is to read the blogs of people who have visited those places before me.

2.) Vacation Type 

Knowing the type of vacation you want will help you decide if you need a car or if taking public transportation will suffice. Will you be eating out most of the time and a hotel is the best alternative, or might you be cooking and need a kitchen? In which case maybe an Airbnb is the best way to go. It will also help you chose the locations you want to go. Do you want to stay in the middle of a busy city, or the quiet of a small town? Answers to all this question will help you decide on your budget and know how much you need to save

3.) Check Visa, Vaccination & Passport Requirements


I think this is a given but sometimes we forget to check. If you’re traveling from the United States we forget there are some countries that do in fact need a visa. Some don’t require one but you need to have proof of a departure ticket. Others won’t grant you entrance if you don’t prove vaccination to certain diseases. Each country is different and all this information is online. Knowing this ahead of time and preparing accordingly will ensure you don’t spend unnecessary time in the airport.

There are also an amount of pages and months before expiration that needs to be available on your password prior to entry. Check ahead of time depending on the country you’re planning to visit.

4.) Order foreign currency 

This will save you so much time when you arrive to a city you don’t know well and possibly doesn’t speak the same language. Having a little bit of money to start off will at least help you get a taxi outside the airport which will ensure less airport induced stress. 

5.) Book as many things as possible ahead of time. 

So.... I am not a huge fun of tours so this is a step I never really take. That being said, if you’re the type of traveler who enjoys tours, book ahead of time. Whether through Trip Advisor or an Experience on Airbnb booking ahead of time will give you peace of mind, better rates, and something to do! 

6.) Open a travel credit card 

Many people dislike the idea of getting a new credit card, others don’t mind. Regardless of who you are having a travel credit card without foreign transaction fees will save you so much money! They also offer pretty nice benefits such as rental insurance, travel insurance & miles back that you can use on a future trip.

Note: As with all travel credit cards be cautious of an annual fee! Pick one that fits your financial and travel needs the best. Make sure it is also widely accepted in the country you’re visiting and if needed add a travel alert before you leave which will ensure your bank won’t block it. 

7.) Make sure you have data on your phone  

Although nowadays many countries have Wi-Fi I am a huge advocate with having data on your phone. Some phone carriers will add international data for an extra price or you can buy a SIM card in the country you are visiting.

Whichever way you decide to go, having data on your phone will help you stay in touch with your family or friends who are traveling with you, will give you access to your bank in the event you need something, and will allow you access to maps and GPS. Spending a little extra money on that will make your trip a lot smoother. 

8.) Check luggage requirements 

Whether in size or lbs., it is good to know the requirements for the airline you’re using. Knowing this ahead of time will help you decide if it’s cheaper to check in your carry-on rather than paying per lb. last minute.

9.) Don’t forget to print 

We are so used to using our phones and computers for everything but last minute things can fail! All the past 8 steps of preparation can be for nothing so have a plan C to the Plan B ... print everything out. Your flight confirmation, your hotel stay confirmation, your Airbnb host address and contact in case the app doesn’t work, your bus or tour tickets. Just print everything out just in case.

10.) Travel light but don’t forget the Camera 

Packing light will make your life so much easier. Many countries you have to walk a lot or take a lot of stairs to your Hotel or Airbnb even if you take a taxi. I have done a one month Europe trip only on a carry on and a personal bag. My suggestion: pack for a one week trip and then wash and reuse the same clothes. Most Airbnb and Hotels have laundry amenities.

I have spoken to so many people who decide to leave their camera behind in the name of packing light. Although I know that iPhone of yours takes grand pictures, trust me! You want to take your camera! The pictures you’ll take in another country will be the memories you’ll have forever of a place that maybe you won’t get to visit again. Make those memories look the best possible!

I hope these 10 steps make your trip preparation easier or at least it gives you a point to start. Planning doesn’t have to be stressful, in fact it can be fun if you know how to do it and where to start. If you have any other steps you take to prepare for an international trip leave a comment below; I am always looking for suggestions on how to make international travel the easiest and smoothest possible.

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